Could they ever have pictured this?

What makes a band special nowadays? Lots of people will try and give you lots of different answers; will try and analyse the music industry; and will try to break it down piece by piece. Instead, I can tell you what makes a band special in two simple words. “Sheer Talent”.

This is a story about a band.  

It’s September 2015. Ryan Hennessy and Jimmy Rainsford are two local musicians from Athy, Co. Kildare. Ryan is in a five piece band named Bohemian, while Jimmy is the drummer for Irish rocker – Ryan Sheridan. Although the two know each other and are quite friendly with each other; they have never collaborated on any musical projects. That is until Jimmy hears a song that Ryan has just posted online… 

“When I first saw and heard it, I knew that it was a big song. It was a song that I wanted to help grow, and I knew once I heard it that I wanted to make a band with Ryan. The song writing is just so good. ‘Take my Hand’ could be recorded and played through a calculator and it would still be a huge song!”
– Jimmy  

I don’t think either of the two lads could have ever imagined how huge the song would soon become however. Taking only three days for them to record and produce the track ‘Take my Hand’ in Jimmy’s home studio; and promoting it themselves using their own money no less than a week prior to its release, the song has gone on to amass over 258,000 views to date – 40,000 of these views being in the first 24 hours! Not only has this song received an extremely generous amount of views – it has also received air time on numerous radio stations. Most notable was Today FM’s Dermot & Dave making the lads their weekly ‘Homegrown Heroes’.  

“The support for ‘Take my Hand’ and for the band itself has been phenomenal. I expected the track to evoke a positive response as I had previously posted a rough version online which was well received, but I didn’t expect it to blow up in the way that it did.” – Ryan  

Fast forward three months, and Picture This have just released their second song – a Christmas song entitled ‘This Christmas’. Again, the support for the song has been amazing, having racked up over 20,000 views in just 24 hours. Perhaps more impressive than even ‘Take my Hand’ however, is the fact that the guys have been featured on Today FM’s ‘Homegrown Heroes’ for a SECOND TIME with the new track. This coming just one day after they released ‘This Christmas’ without so much as giving a clue that it was to be released. What an amazing achievement.  
2016 is sure to be a great year for Picture This. An EP is scheduled to be released; a second single is due to be released, and the lads will start to perform live for their now thousands of fans all over the country.  

So touching on my earlier topic of conversation of what makes a band special. What makes Picture This special? That’s easy.  

Sheer talent.

Keep up the good work lads.